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Meet the Members: Matt

Updated: Apr 9, 2024

Today I share with you a post from our member Matt.

Matt at JW Fitness
Matt at JW Fitness

Please explain a little about yourself and why you chose to train with JW Fitness?

'I have never really been into any sports or going to the gym. But I finally decided to get into some sort of shape after failing to do so on my own numerous times. I chose JW Fitness because it was at an ideal distance from my home and it was clear that it wasn’t another commercial gym where you’re just another membership number.'

What if any, were your reservations before starting training with us at JW Fitness?

'I wasn’t too sure if I would be able to stick it out or what the PT management style was going to be and if I would get on with it.'

How did we help you eliminate any reservations you had?

'After the first few sessions it was clear that I had nothing to worry about. The PTs have always been supportive but not letting you get away easy, and the semi-PT sessions make going much easier with the community, accountability and competitiveness keeping everyone engaged. The gym banter makes the gym experience much more enjoyable.'

What are your biggest achievements since training at JW Fitness?

'Over the last year I have managed to progress from 40kg squats to 120kg, and recently managed to hit a 75kg bench press and 150kg deadlift. Setting all new personal bests.'

What keeps you coming back to train with us?

'The sense of community. The ease of going to the gym, in that the team pulls together the sessions and plans so you just have to turn up and do. Eliminating all of the planning and research that has been a road block for me in the past. And the progress, thanks to John and Anthony I have been seeing progress pretty much every week which is a big motivator.'

If you would recommend us to your friends and family then please explain why below.

'I already recommend to anyone who will listen for the same reasons I keep coming back, the gym community and talented PTs who make the process of going to the gym easy and enjoyable.'

Looking for a gym that gives you support, accountability and a sense of community? Interested in knowing more about training at JW Fitness? Just fill out the following form and we will get back to you to book your consultation.

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