Below is a list of all the opinions and comments that have been presented to me more times than I care to count. As a gym goer, powerlifter and Personal Trainer I have grown accustomed to these clichés. I’m sure you will have heard some of these or maybe you've aired them yourself!
Opinion 1: You shouldn’t be eating that as it is not healthy for you
Just because I like to train and look after myself does not mean I don’t and won’t eat cake. I love cake. We shouldn't be judging others for what they choose to eat so, no matter what someone else eats, leave them to it unless they ask for your opinion.
Opinion 2: It’s alright for you, you probably go gym everyday so you can eat what you like
No, I can't. I train on average 3-4 times per week for 60-90 minutes per session. I am not there training everyday and I wish I had the time to go for as long as you assume. You could go to the gym 6 days per week, 2 hours per day and still gain fat. No amount of gym work can undo a poor diet. Combine this with the opinion 'go on you can have just one, one won’t hurt you!' Please remember, when someone is trying to improve their health, lose weight, build muscle etc don’t be that person trying to sabotage them.
If they say no to something leave them be.
Opinion 3: You over do it
I train to perform and to challenge myself. My 'over doing it' does not involve being sedentary for most of my waking hours.
Opinion 4: You'll get an injury
I pick up injuries from time to time as does anyone who trains. However, I would rather pick up the odd injury now as I look to progress and develop. I want to extend my healthy years as I age.
Opinion 5: You just lift it once
This one is a common response after someone finds out I compete in powerlifting.
Yes, I only have to lift it once but please don’t say it like doing one rep is easy. It has taken years of training and honing the technique to be able to lift weights in excess of 2- 3 times my bodyweight which in itself makes lifting it once a feat of not only strength but skill.
Opinion 6: I used to Squat/Bench/Deadlift x amount
I normally hear this from people I have never met before who find out I have competed in powerlifting. Without asking they begin to tell me what they were able to once lift 20 years ago. Although I love talking about powerlifting and I hope I don't become that guy 20 years from now. I only want to know what you can do now!
Opinion 7: You are obsessed with the gym
This statement is completely wrong as I am not obsessed with the gym BUT I am obsessed with the feeling that being strong gives me. I train even on the days when I am not motivated. This is because I always strive to better myself, knowing that I am challenging my body to adapt and be stronger than before.
Opinion 8: You look skinny
Anyone who has got lean and had someone tell them you look skinny will know this feeling. The word you are looking for is lean. Skinny is not a desirable description for anyone who weight trains. I appreciate this may be meant as a compliment but believe me when you are putting the work in and dieting down skinny is not what you want to hear.
Opinion 9: I don’t do squats or deadlifts as they are bad for my knee/back/hip
Firstly, you don’t need to squat or deadlift to get fit. If you are experiencing pain during these exercises, hire a coach. A Personal Trainer will teach you how to brace and perform the movements properly. Then, you will more than likely find that you are able to do these moves with no pain.
Opinion 10: I’m too old for the gym now
Wrong. Please just go and join a gym, hire a coach and realise there is still a lot of potential within you.
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